Some words about spark plugs
Normal cheap ones has copper core in the electrod, plated with something else, for example nickel.
Scotty: platinum can easy run a 100 000 miles.
Scotty: Iridium is 6 times harder than platinum so it last evan longer
Normal is copper base and last about 20 000 miles.
The service book to Starlet says to replace every 45000 km if not Platina or Iridium.
Recommend part according to service manual: NGK BKR5EYA
Which has: Electrode Tip Material: Nickel alloy
Electrode Core Material: Copper
= will not last as long as Platinum or Iridium
The Best Spark Plugs in the World and Why
Serviceintervall is 45000 km if not platina or iridum. When I changed the sparkplugs I found it was Denso K16R-U.
Now replaced with NGK BKR5EYA
NGK BKR5EYA vs DENSO K16R-U. The old ones were a bit sooty. |